Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The polls have called it - Obama Wins


At 11.10 pm Eastern time, they called it.
This is what the screen said.
John McCain has conceded and congratulated Obama.

Sarah Palin will NOT wake up as the VP elect tomorrow.
Obama has won over 330 Electoral votes.
The House of Representatives and the Senate are both dominated by the Democrats
Must find out what happened to Nancy Pelosi.

This is a new screen at 11.20 pm Eastern time

I just watched Obama's speech in Chicago and it was wonderful. He is gracious and caring about everyone. He even thanked Mccain and Palin for their hard work and effort in this race.

With several states still to finish counting, including Alaska, this is the latest screen shot - 11.45 pm Eastern standard time.

This is a most historic victory.
The first black President of the USA.

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